Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

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Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

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Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

Detailing Tips & Tricks from the John Bull Garage

The proper appearance care of your vehicle is not rocket science. It is the practical
application of the right tools with the knowledge of doing the job right. At the John Bull
Garage we hope to share with you these Tips and Tricks that will make your car Concours
ready and greatly reduce the effort it takes to keep it looking that way. Distinction is in the
details and it’s the little details that set your car apart from the rest.
The Proper Order of things…
Mothers Polishes is the leader in the detailing industry and advocates a simple seven step
process to care for your car.
1. Brush, vacuum and clean the interior
2. Clean wheels and tires with chemicals
3. Wash exterior of car
4. Apply tire dressing
5. Polish the wheels
6. Clean and treat exterior trim
7. Polish and wax paint finish
At the John Bull garage, we add an eighth and final step we simply call Details.
Let’s take each of these in order.
We assume you know how to vacuum but here are some great Tips & Tricks for
keeping the interior of your vehicle clean.
Carpet Care and Interior Odors
Woolite Heavy Traffic is one of the best household carpet cleaners I’ve found. It is
especially helpful with the ground in dirt in the heel area of car mats.
Arm and Hammer Baking Soda will refresh your carpets and remove smells that
eventually overpower that sweet smell of Connolly leather! Sprinkle liberally in the
nap and let sit over night. I keep a small open-topped Tupperware container of Arm
and Hammer in the garage near the car.
HINT: When I come home with that smelly bag of Chinese take-out, I place the
Tupperware in the car so the next day the odor is 100% gone and my new-car smell
is back…and will remain so!
Baking soda is also a natural acid neutralizer and will stop battery acid spills from
damaging your car. Wash the battery tray out yearly as a preventative.

for the complete tips download here

Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

New Brochure

Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Auto detailing vs salon mobil

Auto Detailing: Perawatan kendaraan dengan sangat detail dan lebih bersifat me-rekondisi mobil secara permanent sehingga menghasilkan kualitas keindahan kendaraan mendekati atau lebih baik dari pada kondisi baru.
Salon Mobil: hasil pekerjaannya cenderung bersifat kosmetik atau hanya mempercantik serta menutupi kondisi mobil yg sebenarnya secara sementara.
MAD: Meguiar's Auto Detailing yang seluruh prosesnya menggunakan produk meguiars professional dan standar operation prosedur meguiars yang sangat diakui diseluruh amerika dan eropa bahkan penjuru dunia selama lebih dari 108 tahun (sejak 1901). Sangat aman bagi kendaraan dan lingkungan.

Benarkah ketahanan paint protection dapat di “garansi” 5 tahun lebih?
Integritas yang tidak baik di dalam menjanjikan “Garansi” atas kualitas proteksi cat kendaran dari setiap produk perawatan cat kendaraan merk apapun dalam suatu kurun waktu tertentu karena adanya perbedaan cara perawatan kendaraan dari masing masing pemilik kendaraan dan letak geografis tempat tinggal yang berbeda pula.

Paint Protection VS Wax VW “Poles”
Paint Protection: Lapisan pelindung cat yang biasanya dikerjakan pada permukaan cat (clear coat) dengan alat bantu polisher (alat poles) agar dapat mencapai pematangan pelapisan obat pada tekanan dan temperature kerja tertentu:
a. Paint protectionhanya boleh dikerjakan setelah kondisi permukaan cat bebas oksidasi dan swirl marks atau mendekati sempurna.
b. Paint protection tidak mungkin dikerjakan secara manual atau tanpa alat polisher.
Wax: merupakan moisturizer / pelembab pelindung cat yg terletak pada step terakhir dari rangkaian pengerjaan paint protection. Wax dapat dilakukan secara manual tanpa alat.
“Poles” : istilah ini biasanya digunakan didalam salon mobil konvensional, dimana proses ini adalah proses pembersihan permukaan cat yang cenderung menggunakan bahan abrasive/ mengikis lapisan cat paling atas atau clear coat.

Setelah paint protection, perawatan berkala pada permukaan cat tidak diperlukan lagi?
Kenyataannya, proteksi jangka panjang yang terbaik bagi permukaan cat kendaraan adalah dengan merawat secara berkala dan membersihkan kontaminasi oksidasi dengan pembersih ringan sejenis spray detailer sebelum kontaminasi tersebut menyatu di permukaan cat kendaraan.

Jika cat kendaraan masih kelihatan “mengkilap”, proses pembersihan dapat ditunda?
Tentu saja tidak tepat. Sebelum keputusan ini diambil, kita harus melaukan evaluasi fisik dan visual terhadap permukaan cat tersebut. Caranya dengan melihat pantulan cahaya lampu pada permukaan cat sambil merabanya setelah kendaraan selesai dicuci dan dikeringkan.

Wax dapat menghilangkan swirld marks / spider web (Sarang laba2) pada permukaan cat?
Tidak tepat bila kita menuntut swirl marks / guratan halus seperti sarang laba2 hilang dari permukaan cat hanya dengan menggunakan wax. Wax hanya bersifat melindungi bukan memperbaiki. Untuk swirl marks dapt dilakukan lulus / scrub daulou, setelah itu kita gunakan meguiar’s swiril remover yang khusus disiapkan untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Berbeda dengan merk lain apaladi dengan salon mobil yg mengaku dirinya auto detailer pasti tetap menggunakan step singkat dalam engerjaannya. Meguiar’s Auto Detailing memiliki lebih dari 7 step yang tidk dapat diabaikan untuk menjadikan cat kendaraan memiliki hasil sempurna yang permanent.

Kendaraan yang sudah mendapatkan paint protection dari pabrik tidak perlu di paint protection lagi?
Sangat tidak tepat. Karena paint protection dapat diperbaharui secara berkala sebelum oksidasi dan polusi merusak lapisan clear coat asli dari cat kendaraan. Apabila kondisi clear coat sudah rusak maka harus dilakukan pengecatan ulang.

Lap microfiber selalu direkomendasi untuk cat kendaraan?
Ya, karena inti dari pemakaian lap yang benar bukanlah pada penekanan tangan. Tapi lebih kepada kualitas daya serap kotoran yang tinggi yang dimiliki oleh jenis lap tersebut.
Microfiber cendreung menarik kotoran sebelum lap bersebntuhan dengan permukaan cat, sehingga dengan tanpa penekanan, kotoran dapat bersih sempurna. Cata lap tanpa penekanan dapat menghindarkan kemungkinan terjadi nya swirl marks / guratan halus sperti sarang laba2 pada permukaan cat, walaupun lambat laun pasti terjadi.
Disarankan untuk memiliki lap microfiber lebih banyak dari pada jenis obat perawatan cat yang dimiliki, kebalikan dari pikiran kita pada umumnya yang lebih memiliki 1 (satu) buat lap untuk digunakan bersama banyak macam obat perawatan cat.
Perawatan kendaraan yang paling mudah adalah perawatan secara rutin.

Frequent car care is easy car care!

Senin, 22 Juni 2009

Di liput Tabloid PELUANG USAHA

Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

Five Steps to keep your car looking its best.

1. Avoid scratches as much as possible
We start with scratches. Why? Because they are the biggest enemy to your car's finish. And avoiding scratches is the secret to keeping your car looking good. Dirt and grime, rubbed in while washing or drying, will act like sandpaper and dull your car's paint. There is one basic rule which will guide you whenever you touch the surface of your automobile:
Anything that comes in contact with your car's finish should be soft.

2. As much as possible, protect your cars finish from the elements.
This means storing the car in a garage or covered area. Also, the use of a car cover is highly recommended. A car that is constantly exposed to sunlight and other environmental hazards will deteriorate quicker and require significantly more cosmetic maintenance.
3. Always keep a good coat of wax or paint sealant on the car.
In addition to providing gloss and depth, wax will also protect your car from the elements, including sunlight and many other circumstances that you will encounter, from bug carcasses to bird droppings.
4. Be aware of your car's finish.
Make regular quick inspections of your cars surface a habit. Look it over and note its condition, keeping in mind its recent history and what you anticipate will happen in the future.
5. Make a habit of detailing your car.
In most cases, washing your car once a month is adequate. Once every two weeks is better and necessary if the car is subject to harsh conditions.

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

car detailing picture

we're the expert!

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

What is Detailing?

While there are no specific guidelines for what actually makes up a 'detail,' it is always more extensive than washing and drying a car, and will often involve many steps. Main goals are typically beautification and protection, but can also touch other areas such as minor paint repair and surface restoration, as well as thoroughly cleaning areas which are normally ignored such as the engine and underchassis, wheels, tires, and trim.

The steps of a basic exterior detail of the paint surface generally consist of, in this order, wash, dry, clay bar, wash again, polish, glaze, sealant, wax. Application of a glaze is optional, as is application of both a sealant and wax.

A variety of shampoos, cleaners, degreasers, protectants, lubricants, polishes, clay bars, and waxes have developed over time to suit various demands of consumers and professionals.

Clay bar

Clay is a mixture of clay base and various mild abrasives that is used to remove paint contamination. Spray wax, window cleaner or water can work as a clay lubricant. Road grime, tar, bugs, rust, tree sap and even paint overspray can be removed with a clay bar. Claying does not remove the clear coat of the paint but can cause marring or dullness if used incorrectly. It takes a few passes of clay to feel the difference on the surface of the paint. Claying does not replace polishing. It is simply a process that should be used before polishing compound is used. Claying should be used once or twice a year depending on the condition of the paint.

Purpose of Polishing

The purpose of polishing is to remove oxidation, swirls, scratches, water deposits, and other imperfections from the paint. In contrast to a clay bar, which removes contamination, polishes remove surface imperfections. Polishing generally is the single most time consuming step in an exterior detail.

Polishes typically are classified in two categories, a chemical polish or abrasive polish. A chemical polish, sometimes called a prewax cleaner, cleans the surface and removes oxidation. An abrasive polish removes a small portion of the clearcoat or the base paint itself on single stage paint. Abrasive polishes are typically called compounds, and are classified based on how abrasive they are. The polish with the most abrasion typically is called a Rubbing Compound. A Rubbing Compound will remove heavier scratches and swirls as well as oxidation. It can be compared to a very fine sandpaper. The polish with the least abrasion typically is called a finishing polish. A finishing polish is used to remove light oxidation and fine scratches and swirls. It is also used to remove the haze resulting from application of a more abrasive polish. Abrasive polishes work best when applied with a machine rotary buffer or machine random orbital buffer. Different pads are used on the buffer depending on the abrasion level of the polish.

An "All in One" product typically combines a chemical polish and sealant to be applied in one step. A "buff and wax" contains a high level of cleaner and U.V. protectant or carnauba wax, producing a polish and providing a protective film. Unlike a chemical polish or abrasive polish, a glaze does not clean or abrade the paint. A glaze typically contains oils and kaolin to fill and mask minor imperfections remaining after polishing, and to enhance the brilliance of the finish. If a glaze is applied, it is used after use of a chemical polish or abrasive polish or All in One product, but before application of a sealant or wax.

Purpose of Sealants and Waxing

Synthetic sealants are polymer based and provide much more durability than even the best carnauba wax. They are liquid in form and apply very much like a liquid wax. It is usually suggested that most sealants cure for 12 to 24 hours before layering additional coats on the paint or applying wax over the sealant. Curing involves the cross-linking of polymer strands. When cross-linking is completed, the product has "cured." Some sealants contain an accelerator, or are sold with a separate accelerator that is mixed with the sealant before use, which speeds up the cross-linking (curing) process. For best results, the surface of the vehicle should be properly prepared for a sealant, which involves cleaning and polishing the paint prior to application. Applying a sealant over a wax or surface contamination may inhibit the bonding of the product to the paint. Once you top a sealant with a wax you will not be able to apply additional layers of the sealant without first cleaning the paint and removing all the wax.

Waxing further enhances the gloss and depth of the paint, and provides even more (but shorter lasting) protection. Wax comes in many forms including cream, paste, and liquid. Most waxes contain carnauba which contains a high amount of fatty acids. This fatty acid creates a solid layer between the paint and the outside world which protects it, and gives it a glossy finish. Synthetic waxes commonly mix low amounts of cleaners with high amounts of U.V. inhibitors to create the same protective layer that carnauba does. Synthetic wax creates a high gloss while carnauba waxes give a warm and wet looking finish.

The difference between a Wax and a Polish

Wax is a protective coating that is applied to the exterior surface of an automobile to improve shine and prevent oxidation.

Polish is a cleaning compound that removes impurities from the paint which prepares it for waxing, sealing, or protecting.

Wax and polish are very different and should not be confused, although the retail industry has mixed them together in advertising, such as promoting a wax that polishes, too. This is not generally possible because the substances perform separate functions.

Experience is required when working with polishes. Polishing agents remove oxidation, surface contaminants and also some of the clearcoat surface. An inexperienced polisher can create swirl marks on the painted or clearcoat surface. Swirl marks can be hidden or masked when applied with wax but will return once the wax wears off.

Minggu, 26 April 2009


Price List for Auto Detailing

Kamis, 16 April 2009

Kemplink Auto Detailer

Sebuah multi usaha yang dikerjakan oleh anak-anak muda dan bergerak dalam bidang :
- Auto Detailing/Car Salon dan Car & Motor Washing
- Garment
- Interior Design
- Wedding Singer
Dikerjakan dengan jiwa muda yang profesional & berkomitmen sehingga menjadi problem solver untuk anda.
Find Memorable Experience with Kemplink’s Crew.

Indra The Leader.
Sang pemilik KEMPLINK, usia masih muda tapi sarat pengalaman, pernah menjabat sebagai Branch Manager disuatu perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia. Sudah malang melintang didunia bisnis ekspor baik diperusahaan asing maupun lokal. Energik penuh semangat

Laura, Interior Designer
Ibu muda yang satu ini memang benar-benar Qualified Interior Designer, salah satu karyanya bisa dilihat di cozy lounge Kemplink. Bagi yang memerlukan sentuhan karya seninya untuk desain interior rumah, apartement, kantor dan lain-lainnya bisa datang dan janjian ketemuan langsung ke Kemplink.
sam Boogie/ogiexslash & Team, tukang desain Grafisnya
adalah salah satu Kemplink designer. Sarat pengalaman di dunia garment. Salah satu wardrobe Kemplink adalah karyanya. Biasa kerjain garment kwalitas ekspor salah satu merek yang pernah dikerjakan adalah jeanswear utk merk Spyderbilt, Juice Ematic, Platypus, Kanabeach, Justice, Burgs, LVT Jeans, dll. Selain itu pernah men-support distro merek –merek terkenal di Bandung diantaranya FeedBack, Provider dan lain-lain. Dia merupakan salah satu backbone di Kemplink’s garment
Seorang entertainer muda, penyanyi yang biasa tampil di café-café, acara-acara kantor, wedding, siap menerima order panggilan asal ada hubungannya sama nyanyi…..

Semboyan kami : “ WE ARE THE EXPERT “

Anda memerlukan jasa kami silahkan berkunjung ke :
Komplek SPBU Caman Raya, Jl. Caman Raya, Jatibening ( depan Giant Supermarket) Telp. (021) 3311 1109

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